Privacy Policy

We Value Your Privacy

We treat your personal information as private and confidential. We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and providing you with the highest level of security at any point of interaction with us. This Privacy Policy describes what personal information we collect, what we do with it and how we protect it.

Information We Collect and Use

We collect information about you from a variety of sources, such as: website visits, applications, identification documents, curriculum vitae, personal financial statements, interactions with relationship managers, and other third parties (credit bureaus, payment gateways, other financial institutions…) and other written or electronic communication reflecting information such as your name, address, passport details, identification numbers, biometric information, telephone number, occupation, assets, income and any other information we deem necessary.

Non- Personal Information Collected By Us

In order to achieve our goal of providing you with the best banking service, we sometimes collect certain information during your visits to perform certain tasks such as grant you access to some parts of our web site or conduct research on your behaviour on our site in order to improve our services. We will not disclose your information to any person outside our organization except as described in this Privacy Policy.


Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or mobile devices whenever you visit a website. Cookies have many uses, such as memorizing your preferences to tailor your experiences while on our site– or to help us analyse our website traffic. We use analytics cookies to help us understand how you use our site to discover what content is most useful to you.

Use of Your Personal Information

The collection and use of personal data by GDB is guided by certain principles. These principles state that personal data should: be processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner; be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with such purposes; be accurate and where necessary, up-to-date. In the event data is inaccurate, steps should be taken to rectify or erase such data; be kept safe from unauthorised processing, and accidental loss, damage or destruction using adequate technical and organizational measures.

Automated Processing

We sometimes use automated systems and software to help us reach decisions about you, for example, to make credit decisions, to carry out security, fraud and money laundering checks, or to process your data when you apply for some of our products and services.

How We Protect Your Information

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent loss, unauthorized access, misuse, modification or disclosure of information under our control. This may include the use of encryption, access controls and other forms of security to ensure that your data is protected. We require all parties including our staff and third-parties processing data on our behalf to comply with relevant policies and guidelines to ensure confidentiality and that information is protected in use, when stored and during transmission. Our security controls and processes are also regularly updated to meet and exceed industry standards.

Privacy Policy Changes

This policy may be revised on an ad-hoc basis to reflect the legal, regulatory and operating environment and such revised versions will automatically become applicable to you. We will post any revisions we make to our Privacy Policy on this page and such revised policy becomes effective as at the time it is posted. We also encourage you to check this page from time to time for updates to this policy.

Financial assistance

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Banking at home

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